Ethancool999 & Explosiveslime


1. What did this player do?

Advertised by saying a server name

2. When did it happen?

12:35am UK Times 3. Where did it happen? Provide plot ID.

Chat 4. Optionally, who witnessed it?

Me, F34RTEHR34PER, kitlit123 (i think), Yolomatser5678(i think), XNinjaOshawottX (i think), Eclipse0ex (i think)

5. Screenshots, if you have any.

not as gay as me though


Rank: VIP

Posts: 1827

I did witness it



Rank: VIP

Posts: 1143

First of all, I was saying stop slime, thats Advertising ill talk to you about it on another server, and he was like ethan hi r u deopped on that server? im like No dont talk about it here ill talk to u about it later, and I wasnt advertising, i was just talking to him about how my screen froze and i was lagging severely on that server. i never said "EVERYONE GO TO THIS SERVER im an idiot." I just said poop and advertising would be like this: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. I did not advertise, and i dont believe that i should be banned and im sorry i wont do it again


Rank: VIP

Posts: 149 just did you moron



Rank: VIP

Posts: 1143

I've dealt with this, thank you.


Rank: Admin

Posts: 816

Thanks Sheepy, (Just to say. dont lie Ethan! you have to stop lying about all the rule breaking you do! You said it first! before you said it he didnt mention it! just stop lying :U)

not as gay as me though


Rank: VIP

Posts: 1827

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