Favorite Staff!

Hi guys! I'm sorry for the massive amount of forum posts. I'm more of an avid poster on many other web-based forums and I feel as though this isn't used enough. 


So; I thought I'd start with something SMALLER before going larger like the community day I planned with ended horribly because I forgot all about it.


If you follow this link HERE ---->http://goo.gl/46ZCxu<------


You will be directed to a page where you may pick who YOUR favorite staff is. This provides no benefit to us, but it allows us to know who in the community enjoys who most.


I had accidentally clicked the link, so I voted for Pat. Which means I'll have to remember to remove one vote from Pat at the end of this.


I'll only keep this up for a few weeks, the thread will be locked for the sake of it being flooded with conversation.





Rank: VIP

Posts: 560

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