Posted 11 years ago 1. What did this player do? Advertised. 2. When did it happen? 5/18/14 3. Where did it happen? Provide plot ID. Chat. 4. Optionally, who witnessed it? All that were chatting. 5. Screenshots, if you have any. http://i.imgur.com/DE0SPYR.jpg |
Posted 11 years ago I'm sorry. Apparently, giving the server's website that has it's IP on it isn't "against the rules" as long as the server hasn't started yet.
Posted 11 years ago Please ignore this imbocile. I gave a website link. A server website to a server that isn't even open yet. And won't be any time soon. Also, the server is about something called Bionicle. And the only person who knew what that was at the time, was odellboys.
Cheers, -Ben. |
Posted 11 years ago Exactly.
Posted 11 years ago Yes, Ben, but that does NOT mean you can give people links to SERVER IPs. That IS technically advertising. AND ALSO, IT'S SPELLED IMBECILE. |
Posted 11 years ago And Ben, please don't call me stupid anymore. And don't call Jess whatever you were calling her. http://i.imgur.com/3VIIvAb.png |
Posted 11 years ago I would argue that this still counts as advertising, as it is the website of a minecraft server. Lewanuva10 has received a warning, thanks for reporting this. |