cool99dude copying part of yellowfluff101's model


I know I dont post things often but this is serious. cool99dude or 'Khaled' has been copying many peoples things in the past like cheespuffs plane. This may of been dealt with but he has not learnt his lesson. Well anyway cool99dude copied YellowFluff101's 'Kevin' if you want plot ID's they are: (cool99dude's)  40;35 (YellowFluff101's) 33;52. cool99dude probably will of deleted it by the time hes seen this but you have to punish him in some way like removing his World Edit (WE) tools or a temporary ban.

I really hope you take action to this because YellowFluff101 personally asked me to do this. Check his MSG's to me in the chat log and read the conversations. He has also been swearing consistently. 

-ToxicatedMonkey1 (Aaron)


Rank: VIP

Posts: 251

Khaled Does Copy A Lot Of Things By Other People Without Their Consent. .-.

not as gay as me though


Rank: VIP

Posts: 1827

Cuz Khaled sucks and doesnt have the skills to build




Rank: VIP

Posts: 407

No Need To Be Rude :)

not as gay as me though


Rank: VIP

Posts: 1827

I agree with sir DanBul! Khaled's punishment should be removing any copied structures (including structures EXTREMELY similair) and if he continues copying structures he gets a short tempban.



Rank: VIP

Posts: 209

I don't agree , me and him skype often and he says that he asks for permission and that's what he just did when he wanted to copy something off my space plot ,so since. He asked I let him he's not such a bad guy,give the guy a break-flare


Rank: VIP

Posts: 249

Hmm, I will give you a list of what he has copied without consent. There is also the posibility of him lying to you.



Rank: VIP

Posts: 209

When we skype he doesn't sound different or show a sign that he's lying ,so I believe him 


Rank: VIP

Posts: 249

I have a list of 10 confirmed structures that were copied without consent. I am still looking for more.



Rank: VIP

Posts: 209

I agree with toxic


Rank: Player

Posts: 25

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