

KatyPurry1 has been abusive online to me (racoe) and has disrespected staff (zyk) i believe this is not acceptable behavior for a Sneyersul user. This happened at about 3:00pm Western Australian time and everyone online at the time witnessed this. This happened at no particular place. She had lied to staff by claiming she had a friend on Sneyersul that wanted a "free" plot and that zyk should give her the plot. From then she got abusive to zyk me and DarkAssasin756 she was swearing and claiming she was in a different country and lying about her age. I have no screenshots of this event. Please do something about this it is extremley annoying and she is always rude its bugging me and putting me off Sneyersul when ever shes on.


Thank you,





Rank: VIP

Posts: 20

This was not the first time she has been abusive to staff


Rank: VIP

Posts: 20

I am witness to this, KatyPurry1 has displayed excessive swearing, extreme homophobia disrespecting some players and staff. Unfortunately I have no screenshots.



Rank: VIP

Posts: 209

After reading through the chat logs I have decided to mute KatyPurry1 for 7 days.

Thank you for reporting this.

Edit: I was reading old chat logs from multiple weeks ago. Regarding the events that took place yesterday, both KatyPurry1, Zyktik and Momo6299 were acting inappropriately. I have talked to Zyktik and Momo6299 about it and given KatyPurry1 a warning instead of muting her.


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Posts: 1746

I saw this, I got a screenshot, Only one problem: I am very stupid with this kind of stuff and I don't know how to post one. Good think Puttemulle has the Chat logs. :D




Rank: VIP

Posts: 407

If you know where the screenshot is located on your computer, you can just click the "Attach image" link at the bottom of this page. This will open a pop-up window that describes how to put images in your post. :)


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

Thank you Putte! :D




Rank: VIP

Posts: 407

hey DanBul have you posted it yet?


Rank: VIP

Posts: 20

I can't find it. Stupid picture folder must've glitched and deleted it. D:




Rank: VIP

Posts: 407

I just came back from camp, I opened Skype and saw Stefano sent me a screenshot of KatyPurry1 yet again being homophobic to him and disrespecting him. Sorry it wasn't letting me upload screenshot.



Rank: VIP

Posts: 209

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