Ryanlikesmexican Hacking


Straight to business, a guy named Ryanlikesmexican was running around my base. I really didn't like him, so I decided to kill him. I had enemied him, and I was hitting him, and he took no damage. The leader of the faction I'm in, Tatotaco, apparently hit Ryan with an arrow, yet it bounced off of Ryan and hit Tato. I do have a video of the incident. (Ignore the part where I say he took no fall damage and that he would've died, since I survived the fall. I don't know why I said that) Proof More Proof Thank you for your time, and watch both videos.


Rank: VIP

Posts: 66

I think it's so funny how a kid can get so angry so easily. There is a very simple explanation to this apparently ground-breaking situation. If answers are needed as desperately as is conveyed by this 13 year old player, one only needs to speak with another player that goes by the name of Zyktik (an admin of the server). I need not explain myself when someone of apparently higher server authority can provide the answers. Good luck getting me banned, Earl ;) Ryanlikesmexican


Rank: Player

Posts: 10

Thanks for reporting this. As it turns out, Ryanlikesmexican received god mode from an admin during an event, who forgot to turn it off afterwards. His god mode has been disabled now, sorry for the inconvenience.


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

Ah, sorry.


Rank: VIP

Posts: 66

No, it's our fault. I was convinced that he was hacking as well until I realised that someone had enabled god mode for him. I hope this didn't cause too much trouble.


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

No trouble at all. :)


Rank: Player

Posts: 10

I was about to say some mean crap comment but then I saw that he had god mode from a event.




Rank: VIP

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