Dropping items on Plot


1. What did this player do? : Well : He dropped Fire Arrows on my plot, multiple times. 2. When did it happen? : 18-12-2013 around 2 hour till 6 hour Belgium Time. 3. Where did it happen? Provide plot ID. ID:98:-5 4. Optionally, who witnessed it? A mod, he even warned and kicked the guilty one. Rick or in-game Rocktheman. 5. Screenshots, if you have any. I do : In the Screenshot you see diadeem with a Enchanted bow which has Flame I. We will reply as soon as possible. Greetz Syan

*rock and earlier i actually saw you shooting arrows at peoples plots. Not just your own.



Rank: Admin

Posts: 1108

A warning, which Rock has already issued, should be sufficient for this type of thing. Let us know if it continues.


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