Plot Auctioning

Um hai this is Louis from Sneyersul. Can we add the /plot/plotme/p auction command? It would be awesome to actually acution our plots off. Originally posted by R34PER.

With what.


Rank: Admin

Posts: 816

What would the currency be? In game coins, salami points, real money?



Rank: Co-Owner

Posts: 715

In game coins

How would you get those coins?


Rank: Admin

Posts: 816

By playing on the server like 10 coins an hour online

that sounds cool

that's sounds great up to the staff now


or if you vote you could get 100 coins per vote!! and that would be fun as i use to do that but i would just /p dispose and give them the plot and they would pay me with diamonds (but i would perfer game coins) and cause i do this alot it would make it much easier to auction my houses so plz plz plz consider it!!

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