
I saw someone say "stop it, I can Ban you!" and wyattjacob responded "you cant ban me, Im going to report you for saying you could." And a found I bridge across the road leading from sirionkmoo's to an unclaimed plot. thankyou.



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Posts: 174

No they said they were joking around and I didn't know that and I was helping them trying to not GET them banned for saying "I will ban you" because if a staff member saw that they wouldn't like it really if it was a joke usually. -wyattjacob1 #HelpingOutSneyersul




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Posts: 287

No. We all know a player or VIP cannot ban. I knew he was joking. And you guys don't need to get into other people's conversations, unless we are saying BAD things. When I said "were joking around" theres no need to worry about it. Anyways, we are good friends. ^_^


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Secretly We're All Gay

Secretly I am a sheep.


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Super Ganondorf Adventure Game I dont even know

really? REALLY?! -SwagMaster89



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