More Plot Commands

[color=green]I think it would be a great idea if this server had more commands for plots. It would be nice to have the listed below: /plotme kick (kicks player off plot to spawn) /plotme ban (bans players from your plot. you can toggle their ban by using /plotme ban again. /plotme comments (I've tried to access this, is this only for donors? Is that too much to ask for? I like these commands very much, and I think it would do great to this server.

[color=purple]You can do /p deny [player] which makes the player unable to go on your plot. You must use salami to use this command. Salami are points from vote. Vote for the server, /vote , then click the links Once you have 5 salami do /salami get [id] Then it will ask you to confirm your choice, do /salami confirm Then you will be able to deny players from your plot! To undeny players you do /p undeny [player]


Rank: Admin

Posts: 816

/plot deny is pretty much the same as the described /plot ban. Like Sheepy says, you need to vote and gather 5 points in order to get access to it. I'm not sure how I would implement /plot kick. As for comments, I enabled that feature now.


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