Suggestions for 2017 and onwards


Please place your suggestions below, whether a new server, feature or plugin, anything helps us understand what the players want. Sneyersul has a very deep community which has stuck around for so many years, these players are the one's who have helped form what it is today. Thank you to everyone who used to play, and are still playing as of now!

If you have friends that play Minecraft, don't hesitate to invite them over. Every new player that you refer that has played more than 5 hours will recieve 5 Salami as a reward, as will the referee! Just message LlamaDuck3000 when you see me online and I'll sort it out for you :)

P.S don't use alt accounts please, I'll know if you are/have to abuse this FREE giveaway.

Also, don't forget we have a VIP giveaway which is up every month, you can find that HERE






Rank: Co-Owner

Posts: 715

It delights me to see that our leaders are taking action to engage a listening ear! As you know, I am always full of suggestions to improve the amazing community that surrounds me. 

  • With new things coming and going faster than lightning, I want to point out how issues can and should be avoided in the future. (E.g. the new PlotSquared plugin that has been implemented to Sneyersul Creative: I was one of a few players confused with how to allow strangers/visitors to plots to use pressure pads, levers, etc without granting build permissions.) 
    SUGGESTION SOLUTION: Brief and informative instructional demonstration (E.g. Forum post with resources to learn and adapt to the plugin, its features, and capabilities (other than a server-wide broadcasted message with a URL--mostly because I have gotten into a habit of ignoring the Green Sneyersul messages (I'd venture to guess I'm not the only one as well).


  • People like me who want to help, looking for ways to contribute but not necessarily looking for something as drastic as becoming staff members: Sneyersul Beta Testers (Sneyta/Betasul?) who will be able to report small infarctions on the server that strictly regard server performance and operation. Issues, such as in the past when roads actually weren't so out of whack and /road did the trick. Areas of interest like random blocks being placed over plot boundaries that seem out of place, general "hotfixes" like things that spur in the moment and may not occur again but may need to be fixed for future users (such as Salami issues/using '/register')


  • Let's HaVe FuN! Some kind of gang member club plugin since people already identify with certain people groups anyways ;) 



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Rank: Forum Manager

Posts: 287

Also, I've noticed that a few things on the Forums could be improved. It's been mentioned by me a few times previously that the Forums should be more "interactive".

Meaning that if the Forums could use similar aspects of Facebook (seeing who liked your post/comment, seeing notifications of posts you subscribe to on a user-side and on-site panel [instead of the pre-existing email notification], the ability to become "friends" with people so you can see just their posts when going to their profile [perhaps also extra tidbits of info they might add to the friend-exclusive profile version], and a "newsfeed" which would allow the computer-generated equation to filter posts in the Forum to appear in that section which is personalized for that user, based on previous interactive data compiled.)

But I'm sure you get my gist when I mean more interactive :) 



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Rank: Forum Manager

Posts: 287

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