Nochachos_, Elliphunt, Yandeere
Posted 9 years ago Oh hell, I could of reported these three months ago. Im sick of this and im sick of being treated like trash. 1. What did this player do? Well all three of them has said swear words to me and you know what, it has gotten BEYOND the point of swear words. And two of them apparently said that If i died it would be amusing and they wouldnt care, and "Your so fucking annoying" and so I call that beyond swearing. 2. When did this happen? Well, it has been happening for months now, but today its been harsh (November 7 from 10:00 - 11:15am about) and i've done NOTHING to make them do this. 3. Where did this happen? Today, in survival. But other times, it has happened on Creative, Skype, etc. 4. Screenshots? Nope, sorry my computer is being weird. But I can scroll up for you and show you direct quotes (Two are in #1). Overall, im fucking sick of being treated like trash when i've done NOTHING to them. It all started when Brenna (Elliphunt) spawn killed me. <.< Thanks anyways. |
Posted 9 years ago Okay Ethan, you're taking this way out of proportion. You make it sound like we said something about killing yourself in real life, when in fact, it was QUITE obviously about your in game deaths. I dont have much more to say about this aside from, if you act like trash, you get treated like it. Just clean up your act and stop acting like a whiny little cuddlefish, and maybe you'll earn some respect. wot. |
Posted 9 years ago 1) No one went 'beyond swearing'. While Sarah has told me she DID say his death was amusing to her, she meant IN GAME ONLY. 2) There has been NO harassment towards Ethan "for months". This whole incident started because I accidentally killed him while we were joking around, and he got mad about it and made his faction name "FuckPillows", due to my faction being called "Pillows". I never spawn killed Ethan, either. After we killed him on my sister's claimed land, he just kept teleporting back to be killed again. That is not spawn killing.
Posted 9 years ago Although I was on the server during this entire thing, I was sorta of off in my own little world so ye. Sarah did mention a couple moments ago that she was the one who said your death would be amusing, but never stated irl, she meant your in game death. Although you probably took it in the wrong way. Spawn killing isnt against the rules. If you had a issue with this thats your fault for continously coming back knowing you would get killed by them. As for the swearing. I believe they found you "fucking" annoying by the fact you kept getting on their nerves and kept going back to where they all were. To avoid future conflicts /ignore would be of great use as seeing it does fill a purpose in ignoring the ones who offend you and annoy you. I dont think calling them bitches is going to get you anywhere btw.
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