Me_FloofyFox complaint


They offended me by calling me a b!@#$ once I had given him feedback for their skin, I did take offense as one would.

This occured at around 8:10 NZ Time a.m

It happened in chat, everybody on at that time had witnessed me.

Sadly I do not have screenshots as it had happened a while ago.




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Posts: 200

This is an image I could almost manage to catch but frankly I was a BIT too late.


Rank: VIP

Posts: 22

I just went through the chatlogs and he didnt called you a bitch, but a female dog which you replied back too as "mutt".

your "Feedback" is probably the reason this entire argument started. 

[2015-05-14 20:05] <_LittleGoose_> It sucks

[2015-05-14 20:06] <_LittleGoose_> You should be ashamed

Also originally when he joked about ebola I think you could of could of been more polite about it.

[2015-05-14 19:40] <_LittleGoose_> Don't joke about it you disrespectful twat

I'll be giving you both a warning and you a 4 hour mute due to you offending him more and consistently talking to him when this could of ended sooner than it did. 

[2015-05-14 20:12] <Me_FloofyFox> But I'm only geting in trouble for my common sense :P[2015-05-14 20:16] <Me_FloofyFox> If u have som thing bad to say
[2015-05-14 20:16] <Me_FloofyFox> Keep it to your self goose
[2015-05-14 20:16] <Me_FloofyFox> Just saying

Maybe take his words for advice to avoid later discussions and arguments. :)




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