Killing On The Creative Server


Hello, Last night (6/26/2013 Australian Eastern Standard Time) I was being killed by sheepers01 on the creative server which I didn't mind. When I respawned, I found Ricards3 starting to slash at me with a diamond sword, not being given time to change gamemodes. I found this annoying but I did have to leave a little bit after to sleep. But I did find it very annoying Ricards3 had the right to teleport to me and start killing me without permission. The reason I put it in support was to see if there was a way to not to be murdered on a plot that I did not own.



Rank: VIP

Posts: 209

Sorry but there is not. If you don't want to be interrupted when you're PvPing you can ask the owner of the plot to type '/plot deny *' and only add the players that should be able to be on the plot.


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