

I suggest the addition of holographic text to the creative server.  

And that players are allowed to use it on their plots. I think it would be pretty useful. Who needs signs when you've got holograms. 



Rank: Player

Posts: 485

Thanks for the suggestion! I don't think we'll add this since having holograms everywhere would be annoying for players. However, I've seen players using item frames to create holograms. The hologram is only visible when you look at the item frame, but it's better than nothing.


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

No Pat, thats not true, it is powered by a named horse (Get a plugin called HoloGraphicDisplaysPatch) and then the plugin is setup, Maybe you could setup a way that when players do a command all the holograms go away till toggled. Maybe it despawns the horse or something when a player looks at it.

Outdated doesn´t mean broken.


Rank: VIP

Posts: 617

Yeah, but I still think it would become too messy with holograms everywhere. If you want something similar, you can put a named item in an item frame. That way it won't constantly annoy nearby players unless they look directly at it.


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

You can have it so that only the players in the plot or, the players within a certain distance from hologram the can view the it.


Rank: Player

Posts: 485

Could even put a limit for players/VIPs so they do go crazy with them.



Rank: Admin

Posts: 1108

But, doesn't putting a limit PREVENTS them from going crazy? Not encouraging them to?


Rank: Player

Posts: 485

Well if there is a limit of course it would stop them from going crazy and putting them everywhere. 



Rank: Admin

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