Posted 10 years ago I am reporting olli for lots of things. This happened around 9:45am EST. 1. He was spamming stuff about ebola like "Obama has..... EBOLALALALLALLA" and "Your mom has.. EBOLAALALLA" and "undeny me or ill give you EBOLALAALAA" i Kept saying stop and he wouldnt. Along with that, he was also being Racist. "Obama is black and he has ebola" and stuff like that. I gave him lots of warnings. Also "im 100% nigga and 1% white." Also spamming other innapropriate stuff. Other people watching the chat were zachary_gwinn, Waasinator, and others. They also thought it was annoying, We all said stop, She never stopped. So Yes, i am reporting him for 3 things. 1. Racist. 2. Spamming "EBOLALALLAAA" when people asked him to stop, and 3. Being rude to some people in some racist ways. "Want to fight me nigga lets go" and other stuff like that. I know it was long but thanks for reading. -Ethan |
Posted 10 years ago player has been muted for 3 days and served a warning.