/P broadcast

Hey I have a cool new idea for plot commands!

/p broadcast is a command that will broadcast a message to everyone on the plot, example: /p broadcast Hello world!

For VIPs they can use colours for their broadcasts, example: /p broadcast &3Hello &aworld!

Only Moderators and Plot owners may use this command.

Thanks for considering this suggestion!


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Rank: VIP

Posts: 48

Idea by me 2

Outdated doesn´t mean broken.


Rank: VIP

Posts: 617

burr is taking kredit 4 other peeplz ideeeuhz hes rood


Rank: VIP

Posts: 602

Thanks for the suggestion, it's on the to-do list.


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

I've finished testing this now, it'll be added after the next server restart in about 12 hours.


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

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