New Command Ideas

I think there should be a /plotme time command.

You have managed to do /plotme weather so why not time?

This would be useful for my upcoming RP and many other RP's. It is hard trying to get people to do /ptime when half the people don't listen and the rest don't even have the command.

I really want command blocks for redstone and minigames. They are the only things that are holding me back from making different things. You could maybe block some of the commands that affect the entire server. I know this would be tough to pull off, but I am just suggesting it.



Rank: VIP

Posts: 371

But then someone would eventually be stupid enough to spam /tp (Player) (Person spamming it) a million times without the person being able to be free. But for the minigames and redstone part im good with and the /plotme time command.




Rank: VIP

Posts: 407

Thanks for the suggestions!

I'll add /plotme time to the to-do list. As it looks right now it'll probably be a VIP feature.

Command blocks are a little bit more tricky. Are there any commands in particular that you want to be able to use on them?


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

Before I begin, How about everyone has /tptoggle so the command blocks dont tp them constantly or they can disable it if it happens to them

Ok. Here are my suggestions for commands for command blocks even though not my post.

/tp (Read /tptoggle)

/potioneffect (or whatever the command is. Include a command somewhat like /tptoggle but with potion effects incase your bothered with speed or jumpboost or whatnot)

/(Any commands used for adventure maps, redstone and whatnot)

I forget most of the commands so thats all i really got. Thanks for reading




Rank: VIP

Posts: 407

/plotme time has been added as a VIP feature.

Thanks for the list of commands, I'll see if I can find a way to implement "safe" command blocks.


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

I'm not too sure about the whole "/potioneffect" thing. People'd find ways to break it and use speeds that the server can't handle and jump boosts or any effect and try to crash the server.


Rank: VIP

Posts: 602

True dat.




Rank: VIP

Posts: 407

And /tptoggle is a staff only command.



Rank: Admin

Posts: 1108

One way to get around spam and unwanted teleportations is by limiting the commands to only affect the closest player on the same plot as the command block.

Teleporting a player to specific coordinates and sending them a message (with colors(?)) will definitely be possible. What do you mean by "/(Any commands used for adventure maps, redstone and whatnot)"? I'm not very familiar with adventure maps nor controlling redstone via commands.

Again, command blocks will most likely only be available to VIPs as they are still quite powerful.


Rank: Owner

Posts: 1746

Even 'Soft' Command Blocks Would Be Quite OverPowered  



EDIT: I found this,

Outdated doesn´t mean broken.


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