Giving my VIP Back to TheChaoticQueen
Posted 10 years ago Me and Inara (TheChaoticQueen) have been discussing whether to give back the VIP Back to Inara. We have come to a conclusion that Inara will get her VIP Back. So, please can someone give it back to her ASAP? Thanks. Your Babe ~ToxicatedMonkey1 |
Posted 10 years ago Listen, I'm sure she'll get it back, but all this "giving my VIP" away shit is stupid. YOU paid for your own VIP, and tbh, most of the time when someone gives it away, they want i,t and get it back. So please, if you really aren't giving away your own VIP out for good, then don't do it at all. I'm sure it's not that hard for Pat to transfer it, but it's one less thing he doesn't have to do. |
Posted 10 years ago Indeed. The purpose of giving VIP away is because you decide you want to transfer your payment over to someone else with no intention to get it back. There shouldn't be this thing where you can just trade back and forth between your fellow peers only to end up in one resulting factor.
Posted 10 years ago Your membership has been transferred to TheChaoticQueen. |