Plot Problems?


So, i was asked to help this dude with something that he Thought was a glitch of some kind. Then he MSG'ed me his problem: Two people were added that he claims he didn't add. And then another two people were denied from his plot as well. then there was a head on his plot of Sheepystake. (Yes again.) he claims he didn't do it. I'm not sure whats going on with his plot 'cuz I'm not a Staff Member XD, but i think there's a command Staff member's can use to see who placed blocks? So, if someone could help the guy out more then i could, that would be great :D. One more thing: He told me it says: permission denied, when he tried to Undeny those people. Thanks Guys :D.

Plot ID:30;-21

Owner: __Malik


Thanks again. ~Snood

Minecraft didn't change my life, it is my life.


Rank: VIP

Posts: 174

I've been waiting for __Malik to come on the server so I could look into it, but he hasn't been on for the past 10 days. Thanks for posting this for him, I'll make sure to help him out if he comes back.


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