Particle Affects.

Alright. There is Basicly nothing to gain if you buy VIP atm. Why not maybe add Particle affects for VIPs? You can pick from different kinds and all that, I have read and it is not against the EULA. 

Thank you for reading my bad idea.

not as gay as me though

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Rank: VIP

Posts: 1827

thats accually a good idea, it would be awesome to run around with like fire particles coming from you.



Rank: VIP

Posts: 1142

not as gay as me though


Rank: VIP

Posts: 1827

On another server I use to play on had this but It got kinda annoying and lagging with the fireworks option :P



Rank: Admin

Posts: 1108

Booti Bump

not as gay as me though


Rank: VIP

Posts: 1827

There's a slight issue with that. It would differ on what we'd have to put in.



Rank: VIP

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