N00B Spawn


All the time we have new guests and this is a very good thing, but I can tell by the signs and how the staff react to when people ask questions all the time.

I have a solution to the problem, and this is..

Spawn Test

Now I think you all know what this is, it is all multiple choice and if you get them all right, you are free to... in this case Build on your brand new plot, but failing the test on one or two questions results in failure to restart the Quiz/Test. Think it would be great since a lot of people get invited by current Guests/Members of Sneyersul and teleport straight to them and if this Quiz idea is affiliated with N00B spawn, you

1. Wouldn't be able to get out of it until you complete the Quiz.

2. Wouldn't get staff flooded with questions since most people dont voluntarily read.

3. Lastly, would make the server more.... experienced you could say since a lot of other servers do this as well.


             Hope this idea is thought about and can take place!  




Rank: Forum Manager

Posts: 287

Ive rarely seen a player who doesnt know what theyre doing, since most people know how Creative Plots work, so this idea might be just a hassle for most new players, discouraging them from want to play on Sneyersul




Rank: VIP

Posts: 12

I would say I like this idea, but I don't. So I won't.

Here are my problems with this idea--the number on here corresponds with the number in his idea.

1) That's kind of what the /plot help Commands are for, so you will know what to do. As Tom said, this test will discourage them from playing on Sneyersul because they may not know the answers, therefore not being able to build.

2) Staff doesn't get "flooded with questions." They are asked question occaisonally, but because of the /plot help Command I mentioned earlier, they may not get asked much. And if they DO happen to get "flooded with questions," then I'm sure they'll answer them, because the Sneyersul Staff is great at their job and answer most players' questions!

3) So now you're comparing Sneyersul to other servers, are you? Do you not think Sneyersul is good enough? Just because people aren't experianced with the plot system doesn't mean they can't make great things! If you think that's true, ask the other thousands of Sneyersullians! Statistics show that about 30% of them were new to plot systems, and about 20% of that 30 have made great builds!


Rank: VIP

Posts: 602

FYI, I kind of figured those numbers were right, I'm supposing they're at least close to correct.

Or not.

Whatever :P


Rank: VIP

Posts: 602

I 100% agree with the top two, if Pat wants to add this he can but I would rather someone learn along the way and engage with staff members by asking them questions instead of having to take their introduction to Sneyersul as a study session.

From the experiences that I had been invited by friends to servers with these implements, I left almost immediately and told them I'd find another server to join, because more often than not the staff would bluntly say "did you not read the rules when you first joined -_-"


Rank: Mod

Posts: 44

In my opinion, this idea is not good, it may affect the good ratings of this server 

not as gay as me though


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Posts: 1827

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